Our Church

Our Church

C.S.I District church venkanji was consecrated by the LMS missionary A.C KNOWELLS in the year 1892. Our church is located at kanyakumari District , Tamilnadu,India in kaliyakkavilai to kollencode road about 5 kms from poovar tourist place , 15 kms from Martandam, 33kms from Trivandrum and 60 kms from kanyakumari. The church has an elegant building of height more than 120 meters constructed fully by rectangular finished stones, with a beautifully designed steeple seems to be touching the sky. The beauty of nature surrounding can be viewed from the top of the building. The church Fellowship has nearly 900 families which are benefited by the spiritual services offered by the church.Our church has holy services on Sunday morning,Wednesday evening Friday evening. Church campus is neatly maintained by the effort of every members of the church and various associations of our church to preserve the cleanliness of our beautiful church. Church will be opened to all for prayers throughout the day from morning 6 am. Many received blessings through prayer offered in our church are a great witness. Church day will be celebrated every third week of September. Convention also be arranged during the week of church day. The church members are fully dedicated to Jesus Christ sharing the joy of gospel .